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    Moslim patrouille terroriseert wijk in Londen


    Aantal berichten : 389
    Registratiedatum : 08-01-09
    Leeftijd : 64
    Woonplaats : Coyhaique, Chile

    Moslim - Moslim patrouille terroriseert wijk in Londen Empty Moslim patrouille terroriseert wijk in Londen

    Bericht van Beheerder wo jan 23 2013, 04:51

    Moslim patrouille terroriseert wijk in Londen

    Bron:  -  door: Monique Smits  -  18 januari 2013

    Moslim - Moslim patrouille terroriseert wijk in Londen No-alcohol-240x160

    Een kleine groep moslimextremisten terroriseert een wijk in Londen. Ze  noemen zich zelf ‘Moslim Patrol’ en vinden dat Waltham Forest moslimgebied is en dat de oorspronkelijke bewoners weg moeten.

    De Daily Mail bericht dat de leden van groep zich opdringen aan voorbijgangers die er in hun ogen een vieze en voze westerse manier van leven op na houden.

    In het door de moslimfanaten op YouTube geplaatste filmpje The Truth about Saturday Night is te zien hoe de leden van de groep voorbijgangers vertellen dat ze geen alcohol mogen drinken en dat vrouwen hun vlees moeten bedekken. Ze zeggen dat zij geen mensen respecteren die Allah niet gehoorzamen. Vervolgens steken ze reclameposters in brand met daarop bh’s van H&M.
    Moslimorganisaties die vreedzaam willen samenleven met andere gemeenschappen veroordelen de acties van de groep.

    Laatst aangepast door Eric de Blois op vr sep 20 2013, 08:44; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt

    Aantal berichten : 389
    Registratiedatum : 08-01-09
    Leeftijd : 64
    Woonplaats : Coyhaique, Chile

    Moslim - Moslim patrouille terroriseert wijk in Londen Empty Re: Moslim patrouille terroriseert wijk in Londen

    Bericht van Beheerder wo jan 23 2013, 05:21

    Hooded 'Muslim Patrol' vigilantes remove alcohol from drinkers and tell women to cover up as they stalk London suburb

    Bron: - door: Martin Robinson - 17 januari 2013

    • Group has released a video filmed in London called: 'The Truth About Saturday Night'

    • The gang confronts people and accuse them of living an unclean life

    • They film a hurt cyclist in the road, blaming alcohol for their injuries and call it an invitation to Islam

    • Films show them burning posters they believe are 'vile and disgusting' - including one for a bra

    • Muslim groups condemn them for their hard-line views and approach

    Moslim - Moslim patrouille terroriseert wijk in Londen Article-2263905-16FE8E42000005DC-982_306x423
    Target: This so-called Muslim Patrol take the alcohol from this man
    and filmed it for a YouTube propaganda video

    Police are investigating reports a gang claiming to be Islamic vigilantes have been confronting members of the public and demanding they give up alcohol and women cover their flesh in their 'Muslim area'. The hooded men, who call themselves Muslim Patrol, have been filmed walking London's streets and calling white women 'naked animals with no self respect.' The group is also shown taking 'evil' booze from revellers and film a cyclist being treated after a road accident, claiming they were injured because they were unclean. In one exchange a member of the group says: 'We don't care if you are appalled at all', before calling themselves 'vigilantes implementing Islam upon your own necks'. They have uploaded videos to their YouTube channel with the most recent three-minute clip causing a stir online. 'The Truth About Saturday Night', which was uploaded on Sunday, has already been viewed more than 42,000 times. Scotland Yard says it is investigating. It was shot on a mobile phone at night in what the Met say is Waltham Forest, London, with a number of men seen shouting 'this is a Muslim area' towards white Britons they've confronted.

    The video, which first appeared on The Commentator, states: 'From women walking the street dressed like complete naked animals with no self respect, to drunk people carrying alcohol, to drunks being killed in the middle of the road, we try our best to capture and forbid it all.' One scene shows the hooded yobs forcing a passing man to put a can of lager away, telling the stunned gentleman they are the Muslim Patrol and that alcohol is a 'forbidden evil'. They then tell a group of women 'they need to forbid themselves from dressing like this and exposing themselves outside the mosque'.

    On another occasion, a woman takes offence to their requests and tells them they are in Great Britain at which point they respond by saying 'they don't respect those who disobey God'. Mohammed Shafiq, the chief executive of the Ramadhan Foundation, a Muslim organisation which campaigns for a peaceful co-existence among communities, has condemned the group's behaviour. He said: 'We live in the UK and we are governed by UK law, there should be no mob rule. If people are involved in this behaviour then it is worrying but it is an isolated incident.'

    The vigilante video follows an earlier clip made by the group where they protested against adverts for push-up bras by High Street retailer H&M. In the clip they say: 'The Muslims have taken it upon themselves to command the good and forbid the evil and cover up these naked people.' They then show a number of adverts for the product which has been sprayed over and also film themselves pouring petrol over one advert and setting it on fire.

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